Hell No, We Can’t Go
Let this one people speak loud and clear: My eyeballs are sore from all the rolling they have to do whenever some nitwit Demogogue accuses the President of being “deaf to the American people” or “ignoring the American people” or “refusing to respond to the will of the American people” or “pretending that the last election didn’t happen” or “ignoring the results of the election” by not pulling US troops out of Iraq. Let me say to all those who spew this empty-headed drivel in between their accusumptions that Bush lied to get the war going: You’re Lying.
Yes, lying. Let us make this clear, just once, just as if it matters:
First the what. In the last election the Democratic Party gained enough seats in the House to achieve the same narrow margin of majority that the Republican had before the election (funny, the narrowness of the Republican majority was pointed out a lot by the Mediacracy. The Dem’s slim hold, not so much). They also achieved a one seat—that is one with an “o”—majority in the Senate. Fine.
Now for the why: Who knows? But absolutely no empirical evidence exists to justify the conclusion that a demand to get out of Iraq, end the war in Iraq right-this-minute, or to do or don’t do anything in Iraq was a demand, or even a strong motivator for the American voters. None. In fact, evidence for nearly the opposite exists. According the the Pew Research Center polls in October of 2006. “The public remains evenly divided between those who favor keeping ‘military troops in Iraq until the situation has stabilized’" (47%), and those who think ‘the U.S. should bring its troops home as soon as possible’ (47%)”. Hmmm…. Keeping troops in Iraq until the situation has stabilized. Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, from the Bush Gang. Since day one of this issue. “As soon as possible”? Wow. Sounds like a reasonable approach to wanting to end a situation, given existing realities. Now, I don’t claim to understand Leftist math and don’t expect it to be any more concerned with the real world than Leftist philosophy, Leftist economics, or Leftist social sci….well, social science. But 47 > 47 or 47< 47 would mean that 47 + 47 is not necessarily 94, and therefore 2 + 2 is not necessarily 4. Mathematicians, even ones from Harvard, can probably demonstrate that for our purposes, 2 + 2 is, in fact, 4 and therefore pretty much renders ludicrous, ridiculous, dishonest, and Bozo-ish the notion that any Majority spoke loudly, half-heartedly or even simperingly last November. The solid, ineluctable truth is that There Is No Mandate To Get Out of Iraq Right Now. Soon? Sure hope so. Immediately and regardless of the cost? Not a bit. Despite what the Dem “leadership” keeps claiming. And the lying comes in because they know that what they say is not true. There is, to be sure, a group who want out of Iraq right now, this instant, damn the consequences. That group is a small core of Dem voters—, Sheehandwringers, or primary voters we could call them. But don’t let them get away with calling this collection of misfits, furballs, and Miss Nancies “the American People”.
Let this one people speak loud and clear: My eyeballs are sore from all the rolling they have to do whenever some nitwit Demogogue accuses the President of being “deaf to the American people” or “ignoring the American people” or “refusing to respond to the will of the American people” or “pretending that the last election didn’t happen” or “ignoring the results of the election” by not pulling US troops out of Iraq. Let me say to all those who spew this empty-headed drivel in between their accusumptions that Bush lied to get the war going: You’re Lying.
Yes, lying. Let us make this clear, just once, just as if it matters:
First the what. In the last election the Democratic Party gained enough seats in the House to achieve the same narrow margin of majority that the Republican had before the election (funny, the narrowness of the Republican majority was pointed out a lot by the Mediacracy. The Dem’s slim hold, not so much). They also achieved a one seat—that is one with an “o”—majority in the Senate. Fine.
Now for the why: Who knows? But absolutely no empirical evidence exists to justify the conclusion that a demand to get out of Iraq, end the war in Iraq right-this-minute, or to do or don’t do anything in Iraq was a demand, or even a strong motivator for the American voters. None. In fact, evidence for nearly the opposite exists. According the the Pew Research Center polls in October of 2006. “The public remains evenly divided between those who favor keeping ‘military troops in Iraq until the situation has stabilized’" (47%), and those who think ‘the U.S. should bring its troops home as soon as possible’ (47%)”. Hmmm…. Keeping troops in Iraq until the situation has stabilized. Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, from the Bush Gang. Since day one of this issue. “As soon as possible”? Wow. Sounds like a reasonable approach to wanting to end a situation, given existing realities. Now, I don’t claim to understand Leftist math and don’t expect it to be any more concerned with the real world than Leftist philosophy, Leftist economics, or Leftist social sci….well, social science. But 47 > 47 or 47< 47 would mean that 47 + 47 is not necessarily 94, and therefore 2 + 2 is not necessarily 4. Mathematicians, even ones from Harvard, can probably demonstrate that for our purposes, 2 + 2 is, in fact, 4 and therefore pretty much renders ludicrous, ridiculous, dishonest, and Bozo-ish the notion that any Majority spoke loudly, half-heartedly or even simperingly last November. The solid, ineluctable truth is that There Is No Mandate To Get Out of Iraq Right Now. Soon? Sure hope so. Immediately and regardless of the cost? Not a bit. Despite what the Dem “leadership” keeps claiming. And the lying comes in because they know that what they say is not true. There is, to be sure, a group who want out of Iraq right now, this instant, damn the consequences. That group is a small core of Dem voters—, Sheehandwringers, or primary voters we could call them. But don’t let them get away with calling this collection of misfits, furballs, and Miss Nancies “the American People”.