Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hmmm….So maybe there are, below the horizon still, yet flashing visibly, some lightning bolts of Doubt regarding the Obami-Wan Kenobi-ness of the Force of Change Master. Maybe, just maybe some think, he is in actuality just a euphonious politician from Chicago-via-Djakarta. Not that there is anything wrong with that per se. Many politicians have grown up in Indonesia then towered over the world stage—Suharto and Sukarno, for example. And lots have sounded nice. But Obama is supposed to be different and special—in the good ways—and a bringer of change. Not a bringer of the same old same old liberal elitist hackology plus good oratorical skills. Oh, and a “diverse” and “multi-cultural” background, which the Left tallies as if it were a positive qualification for leadership all its own. (Though why people are supposed to want as a leader of their culture someone whose identification with it is tangential at best is an unexamined assumption of the Inclusionistas. We are after all talking about a president for the United States, not a secretary general for the United Nations. But, on the Left is a group that undoubtedly is offended that not just most but ALL popes are Catholic and think this shows a despicable lack of tolerance and diversity.)

But, no, the revelation that BO is nothing but a politician is not the epiphany in this strange story. The real revelation is that he NOT a politician. Not a good or competent one, anyway. The mistakes he has made—from long-time associations with racists and terrorists to his most recent debate displays of economic and foreign affairs illiteracy-- are the types of mistakes a rank amateur makes, not a seasoned professional. And when confronted with these anchors round his feet and boots in his mouth, the politically unsavvy BO is dumbstruck. You can see the gears slowing down between his well-oiled mouth and the highly specialized brain containing a program that takes a Webster’s Scholastic word-file and creates random sentences around “hope” and “change”. Wisps of smoke rise from his elephantine ears. He has no idea how to respond to this thing called criticism. He has never been closely examined, not once. The very fact that he should be called on as any other politico is called on daily is alien to him. He’s a self-avowed prize fighter—an imminent champion—who has never actually been hit. He thinks it hurts, and it is unfair. He doesn’t know the rules, hasn’t bothered to learn them, and when instructed refuses to learn. It is not hard for any advisor to say, “Don’t say stupid things that are going to get you in trouble with people who took civics in tenth grade and know better, and don’t hang around fringe figures that are going to damage your credibility with everyone to the right of Gus Hall. Regardless of what you really think you know or know you think.” It is hard, tho, to get an overconfident and inexperienced child-star to listen to the adults around him. The very fact that he doesn’t get it—doesn’t see why Rev. Wright is a problem regardless of context, or why supping with terrorists and criminals is bad thing—this provides all the proof there could be that he is not qualified to make decisions about much of anything, let alone running a country. Maybe Rev. Wright’s invocation for God to damn America and his pleas for BO’s election were very closely linked.



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